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Lake Whitney Public Library

Library Resources and Services

These resources and services are provided to you by the Lake Whitney Public Library.

* TexShare Databases

The TexShare Databases are commercial database subscriptions that are paid For by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) for use By registered patrons of Texas public libraries at no charge to patrons who use the TexShare Databases through their participating TexShare member Libraries.

* Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas Workshop

Get started here if you're looking for work.  Create a resume, look for a position matching your skills and learn about child care and transportation resources available.

* eBook Resources

An exhaustive list of electronic resources for free and low-cost books.

* Talking Books Program

Provides free library services to Texans who are unable to read standard print material due to visual physical or reading disabilities with thousands of titles available in a wide variety of categories, In different formats, mainly on cassette, but also in large print and Braille.

* Online Catalog

Search our holdings by book title, author, keywords, etc.

* Children's Programs Get the pre-school age kids out of the house for storytime!  There will be craft projects to keep their hands busy, stories to share, and music to dance.  Most of all, they can socialize with others the same age.

Time and Date: Fridays at 10:30
Where: Lake Whitney Public Library
Phone: 254-694-4639

* Summer Reading for youth.

Designed for children ages 4 to 14, activities varied each week, but the main theme is reading and keeping the children in the reading habit to prevent summer reading loss.  Puppets, the local fire department, a mobile dairy, the Waco zoo, and a singing zoologist each presented skits and activities to encourage reading.  The programs are well attended with a total of over 600 participants.

* Teen Programs

Advanced Placement (AP) Reading List

* E-reader and E-book Assistance

Assistance with E-readers (Nook, Kindle, mobile devices, etc) and locating and downloading rented and free E-books.

* Mini Office Center

Self Serve copying and printing.  Coupled with wireless internet access and computer services, the library has become crucial to our community.

* Volunteer possibilities

Volunteers assist with daily activities, enjoy friendship and meet new people.

* Friends of the Library

Membership entitles you to many privileges, such as early bird shopping of book sales, no overdue fees, help the Library acquire new materials and 10-book checkout rather than 5.

*United States Flag Status

Checking The Status of the American Flag for Full or Half Staff.